Wednesday 5 January 2011

Setting up Ubuntu in the cloud with ElasticFox, PuTTY and FileZilla

My mornings work! YMMV, worked for me at time of posting!

  1. Install PuTTY and PuTTYgen from
  2. Install FileZilla
  3. Fire up Firefox and install ElasticFox.
  4. Re-start Firefox and feed ElasticFox your credentials.
  5. Generate Key Pair on the KeyPairs tab. Download the file and fire-up PuTTYgen.
  6. In PuTTYgen hit Conversions » Import key. Select the downloaded .pem file then hit Save private key, hit Yes and save the .pkk file where you'll remember where it is.
  7. In ElasticFox hit Create Security Group (green plus on the left-hand side) on the Security Groups tab. Give it a name and a description and select "I will authorise protocols for this group as needed", hit Create Group.
  8. With your new group selected on the left-hand side hit Grant Permissions (green tick on right-hand side). Select SSH from the drop-down, select Network and enter then hit Add. Repeat but select HTTP from the drop-down, again add as the Network address.
  9. Still in ElasticFox hit the Images tab and enter "20101225" in the top-left text-box. Select the "ami-339ca947" image then hit Launch Instance(s) (green start-up on top pane).
  10. Select your Key Pair in the KeyPair option and move over your Security Group to the right using the arrows below - but other ones apart from yours on the left.
  11. Hit Launch.
  12. In the Instances tab right-click your instance and select Copy Public DNS Name to clipboard.
  13. Fire up PuTTY, crtl-v into Host Name, on Category pane select SHH » Auth then browse for you .pkk file. Finally go back to Session on the Category pane, enter a name into Saved Sessions and hit Save.
  14. Click Open on PuTTY and if all went well then there should be CLI. Login as "ubuntu".
  15. Type sudo tasksel --section server like it tells you to. To select something move with the arrow keys and select using the spacebar. Select LAMP server and let it roll.
  16. ctrl-v into the address bar of a new FireFox tab... It works!
  17. Fire up FileZilla and hit Edit » Settings.... On the Select page: pane hit SFTP, then Add keyfile... button. Browse to and select your .pkk file again, hit OK.
  18. Next go File » Site Manager..., hit New Site, give it a name and then ctrl-v address into Host: textarea on the right. Server Type: is SFTP, Logon Type is Interactive and User is ubuntu. Hit OK.
  19. Select your site from the drop-down beside the little Site Manager icon on the top left under the menu strip. Navigate to /var/www and you should see the index.html file.
  20. 'nuff said, have a coffee and a fag!

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